Forward Bottom Planking
To acomplish the difficult task of marking and accurately cutting the forward bottom planking where it meets the side planking the Glen-L book "Boatbuilding with Plywood" offers a handy trick. They suggest using a crayon and coat the edge of the side planking with the colored wax. Then you can "bounce" the forward bottom planking against this edge which transfers the marking to the bottom planking piece. You still are required to hand fit/trim a lot but it sure is a neat trick.
This is off topic and well ahead of this stage in building but while I was working today the US postal service dropped off a package of boat parts I had bought on ebay...step pads for the deck. These step-pads go on the outside edge of the top decking near the cockpits so you have something non-slippery to step onto when getting on and off the boat at the dock. You can see what they look like on Tom Grudecki's boat here. Mine are pictured below. These retail for about $30 a piece. I bought all four for $40 shipped. I like deals like that!
This weekend is the big "Glen-L Gathering of Amateur Boat Builders" in Guntersville, Alabama. Heather and I will be there all weekend and I plan to take and post lots of pictures maybe even a video...
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