Interior work begins
The side armrests will have cupholders mounted in them. If i decide to get fancy I can make them glove boxes too. The inside of the side planking will likely have thin upholstered panels in them so the inside grain of the boats exterior side planking is not visible. The throttle controls will be bolted on a mahogany plate extending down from the carling near the deck and the cables run aft under the deck. The front seat bottom will hinge up for storage under the seat. Once the seat cushion is installed the seat height will be slighly above the edge of the boxes on the side of the seat.
The seat looks low and it is, I dont like how in some Zips the people are seated up quite high. The front of the seat box is 4-1/2" above the floor and reclines to 3-1/2" at the rear. Its quite comfortable, I tested it. The recline angle makes the shallow area for your legs very comfortable. Your legs have plenty of room to stretch out. Your arm/elbow comfortably rest right at the deck height. Kinda like driving a pickup truck with your arm/elbow resting out the window sill. Cool. I
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